Woman becomes a mother again at 59: the eldest daughter cuts her off and does not allow her to see her granddaughter

by Mark Bennett

April 18, 2022

Woman becomes a mother again at 59: the eldest daughter cuts her off and does not allow her to see her granddaughter

Is there a right or wrong age to have a child? It's not a simple question to answer, we know. But it is something that some couples agonise over and some cannot take a decision to resolve the dilemma: to have a child or not? Many, in fact, before starting a parenting life, want to feel sure they can support such a commitment. This could mean postponing becoming parents, but to what extent is it possible to do so?

You may have heard of a woman's biological clock - this is a subject that draws a lot of attention and supposedly triggers a race against time to have a baby. The subject of the story we are about to tell you, however, seems not to have had this type of issue - quite the contrary. This woman showed her courage when, after her first marriage ended (and having had daughter from this union), she decided to remarry and become a mother again at the age of 59. Let's read about her story:

via Mirror

Her eldest daughter, was 'disgusted' when her mother fell pregnant. After that, she barely sees her and has vowed never to set foot inside her home again.

Pubblicato da Newsner.com su Venerdì 8 aprile 2022

Lauren Cohen was 50 when she met the love of her life in Paramus, New Jersey, USA. Frank Garcìa, 20 years younger than Lauren, was able to court her and make her fall in love with him. Lauren said in an interview: "I met Frank during some dance lessons. He was a good dancer and we performed dance acts together, but I never thought that such a thing could happen. One evening, we found ourselves together on the fast track to love and everything became inevitable", she continued.

The couple made their love official, got married and, since Frank had not yet known the joy of becoming a parent, they decided to have a baby. Lauren already had a 32-year-old daughter from her previous marriage and she was of mature age, but she would never prevent her partner from becoming a father.

Pxhere - Not the actual photo

Pxhere - Not the actual photo

So the two took action and contacted various clinics to start a path towards achieving this great joy. It wasn't easy, but over time Lauren and Frank became the parents of a beautiful little girl, Raquel.

Continuing her story, Lauren said: "The incredible thing was to discover that we were pregnant again only 1 year later. And we were even more stunned when we realized that we were expecting two wonderful twins: Gregory and Giselle. Of course, at the my age, is not easy and I always have to be careful about my health because they need me. I take different supplements, I try to eat healthy and I do a lot of pilates and yoga to keep fit and to be able to play with them ".

County of San Mateo/Flickr - Not the actual photo

County of San Mateo/Flickr - Not the actual photo

This is a beautiful love story, but is not without its detractors. The choice Lauren and her husband made has aroused deep disappointment in the woman's eldest daughter, Renee. Having had her from her previous marriage, she did not understand and did not support her mother's choice to have another child at her age. For the young woman, it was absurd and not normal and this has caused tension in the relationship she has with her mother. The two women now only meet sporadically every year and never meet in either of their house's.  Additionally, Lauren is no longer allowed to visit her granddaughter, Hannah.

Despite everything, Lauren has never regretted what she did and, if she could go back in time, she wouldn't change her life choices one bit. This is a display of steely courage and tenacity from this strong woman. We wish these two spouses and their three children all the happiness possible.

And you? What do you think about this story?
