A poor father builds a little train to entertain his three children: the way to live life is to always live with a smile

What a father wouldn't do for his children. Even if life often doesn't go our way and every day is a daily struggle to earn some bread to bring to the table, smiles should never be missing within the family, especially when there are children who deserve to live a life with their eyes fixed on a radiant future and a horizon full of positivity. A dad like the protagonist of these beautiful images can only be seen as a model to follow!
via Voces de Paraìso

Images that are going around the world have been published on Facebook from the Voces de Paraìso page and feature a very special dad, who lives in the Mexican Yucatàn with his three children. The man lives in a difficult economic situation with his family, meaning he most likely cannot afford a comfortable life and give his three children everything they would need or want. And so, in order not to make everyday life even heavier and sadder, this dad had a brilliant and very sweet idea...

He built a cute little train with scrap metal materials, he tied the little "wagons" to a tow rope attached to the back of his motorcycle and in doing so he realized a dream for his three children: despite their difficult life, now this father with his children can go around the streets of the Mexican city aboard a little train developed with few materials but with a lot, a awful lot of love. And for his three little children, there is no better fun: now every day they can dream of boarding a first-class train and traveling in their imagination, forgetting for a moment the daily sadness and poverty in which they live.

Sometimes it takes very little to make children happy, and as Voces de Paraìso says on his Facebook post, commenting on these beautiful and moving images, "When a father wants to see his happy family, there are no limits. Every day this man goes around the streets of his city pulling the improvised and ingenious little train made with steel drums behind his motorcycle".
So it really is true that most of the time it's not money that brings happiness, but ingenuity and love!