New mom takes a selfie in the delivery room: what you can see in the background is hilarious

by Mark Bennett

July 08, 2023

New mom takes a selfie in the delivery room: what you can see in the background is hilarious

Awaiting the birth of a child, the 9 long months that separate the parents from that happy event and the moment in which the little one is born, are among the most beautiful and emotional moments for a couple. Becoming a mom and dad is a big milestone in many people's lives and it's nice to have this experience together. This is the reason why many women decide to be accompanied even during the birth itself. A truly delicate moment that brings couples together in an incredible way.

The couple giving birth in this story planned to do just that, but something went wrong. Let's see what happened:



The story became public knowledge thanks to a photo shared on Reddit by a new mother. The woman shows herself smiling in a selfie taken immediately after the birth of the child, but it is neither she nor the newcomer who attracts the attention. Something is happening in the background, something very unusual and, at the same time, very funny.

Looking at the photo, you immediately see this mother with a dazzling smile and in great shape despite the birth, but her joy is not only due to the birth of her son. The mother is extremely amused by what is happening in the background. A semicircle of doctors - including a nurse holding the newborn - surrounds a person lying on the ground and unconscious. Who is he? The husband and father of the new baby.

Eager to be next to his beloved in that particular moment, the husband agreed to enter the delivery room, but couldn't handle the emotions and passed out. A hilarious scene that amused all those present and later, Reddit users.

Rawpixel - Not the actual photo

Rawpixel - Not the actual photo

And if it should be the new mother who receives the most attention in such a circumstance, in this case the husband stole the limelight. Despite this, the scene brought a lot of joy and created a very funny moment that certainly made that day even more special.

Many people who saw the photo left a comment and claimed to have found themselves in the same situation; others, on the other hand, limited themselves to having a laugh and complimenting the new dad for his "courage"

Do you remember what happened on the day of your baby's delivery?
