Accidental heroes: A group of boys help an elderly man to his feet after he falls and then escort him home

It is generally believed that to grab someone's attention you need to do something dramatic: sometimes it is like this, but fortunately, not always. Five boys - Devan Ornelas, Diego Ramirez, Isaac Hernandez, Josh Sorg and Victor Ornelas - in Caldwell (a small town in the US state of Idaho), were praised by their hometown residents after their good deeds were published to social media.
The incident all started when these teenagers were walking home after a basketball game and they saw an elderly man fall on the sidewalk.
via Taphaps
The youngsters were in a car, but as soon as they saw the elderly man fall, they immediately stopped to help him, taking him home to make sure he was okay.
The incident was captured in a series of photos shared by Erika Tovar, a local resident who happened to pass by and decided to show what the boys had done on social media: the post immediately attracted the attention of the local community, who decided to reward the boys for their kindness.
Kathy Plaisance, owner of The Sweet Spot Bakery, enlisted the community's help in tracking down the boys and decided to give them gift cards and other presents. Erika collected the presents for the five young boys and invited them to her pastry shop to give them the gifts and some other treats. During the meeting, Josè, the elderly man whom the boys had helped, turned up to thank the boys again.
Although they were extremely thankful for the gifts, the boys said they didn't do anything special: they just wanted to lend a hand to someone who needed help and wanted nothing in return. "It was just the right thing to do," commented Isaac. "It feels good to help others," he added.
These are five, fine young men from who we can all certainly learn a lot.