Worker notices an old man who watches him work every day: he forms a strong friendship with him

by Mark Bennett

January 11, 2023

Worker notices an old man who watches him work every day: he forms a strong friendship with him

Many of us dream of our retirement after years of working. However, what most people tend to underestimate is the large amount of free time retirement affords us. In fact, many retirees become disorientated and depressed when their regular work routines suddenly cease.

A crane operator learned firsthand how important it is to love one's job when he met a man who was no longer able to work, but who still had valuable advice to give him.

via Amomama

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Crane operator, Shawn Beveridge, was working on a new construction site when he noticed an elderly man watching his crew working. Initially, Shawn thought that the old man was a bored pensioner and continued doing his work. However, as the days went by, Shawn began to notice that the old man kept coming to the worksite: he showed up every morning at 7:00am sharp, wandered off for lunch, returned and only left when the construction site closed.

Intrigued, Shawn approached the pensioner one day and started talking to him. The chat with the old man turned into a conversation lasting hours: the man's name was Harold and he lived in the nursing home near his former workplace. He said he had been a crane operator for fifty years and he now enjoyed watching Shawn work.

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Surprised and moved by this story, Shawn struck a deal with Harold: every day, during the lunch break, Shawn would sit with Harold and chat. In return, Harold would provide advice on Shawn's work and performance.

Of course, Harold happily accepted Shawn's deal. Over the following few weeks, the two learned a lot and enjoyed each other's company, becoming best friends. It's amazing how much you can give and receive in return with a simple gesture of kindness. Do you agree?
