Dad abandons his child: the grandfather raises him as if he were his own son

by Mark Bennett

May 18, 2023

Dad abandons his child: the grandfather raises him as if he were his own son

Some families are more "problematic than others": even if you are lucky enough to become a parent, you need to make sacrifices to take good care of your kids. And, unfortunately, this does not always happen. For various reasons, some parents cannot take care of their offspring. There are those who are willing to sacrifice everything in order to fulfill their parental duties. And then, there are some who are not so inclined.

The subject of this story was abandoned by his father. Fortunately, there were some who took charge of his needs and gave him everything he needed!

Pxhere - Not the actual photo

Pxhere - Not the actual photo

Unfortunately, this young baby boy was abandoned by his father. The boy tells his story in a letter - which also serves as a tribute to his beloved grandfather.

"My father left us when I was only a few months old. He left us, me, my brother and our mother. She took care of the expenses, our daily needs, the household chores, and everything else. It was just us - the three of us against the world. My father left because 'he wanted more from life': our house wasn't nice enough for him and 'being free' was much more important to him than staying with us. But we're over this now".

In fact, someone special stepped in and supported the struggling family...

Pxfuel - Not the actual photo

Pxfuel - Not the actual photo

"My grandfather took my father's place. No one asked him to, but he knew that someone would have to be a father figure and teach us right from wrong. He knew someone had to teach us how to ride a bike, help us with schoolwork and read us bedtime stories: my mother worked hard for us and was often away from home. Her love for us was unconditional".

The young man recounts that he has never missed his biological father: "We have not missed out on anything by not having our real father around. My grandfather raised us well. Hugs and kisses were never lacking. He supported us through thick and thin. My grandfather was more than my substitute father - he was my hero. Thanks to him, I am the well-rounded person I am today. My grandfather - the sweetest, most loving man I have ever known - has now, unfortunately, passed away."

Note: This story is based on true events and was inspired by a story shared with us by one of our readers.
