The great sacrifice of two grandparents to help their granddaughter realize her dream (+ VIDEO)

by Mark Bennett

July 14, 2023

The great sacrifice of two grandparents to help their granddaughter realize her dream (+ VIDEO)

Beyond providing money, those who really love us are usually willing to help us out in any way possible. And some relatives can make significant sacrifices for us.

The story of these grandparents is a clear example of this: in order to make their granddaughter's dream come true, they decided to put their most precious possession "on the line". Let's see what happened:

via Whatsnew2day

 Caters Clips/ @serenlewis1/Screenshot

Caters Clips/ @serenlewis1/Screenshot

Is there anything you wouldn't do for your grandchildren? The grandparents of Seren Lewis, 22, know how far they would go for her: and they proved it.

Seren wanted to get a law degree but couldn't afford it: unfortunately, university tuition fees are very expensive and this was out of Seren's reach.

Certainly, Seren had all the makings of being a good lawyer, and so, her grandparents stepped in to help her out.


But Seren's grandparents didn't have the funds available to pay for her studies. Given this, they mortgaged their home to pay for Seren's universtiy studies!

With this help, Seren was able to register for a law degree and, a few years later, managed to graduate! In a video of the moment, we see Seren awaiting the results of her final exam..

The moment of truth arrived in just two quick clicks on Seren's laptop, with her grandparents sitting next to her! When they saw she had passed, all three of them exclaimed with joy; Seren even shed tears of happiness.

Certainly, Seren will never forget those who helped her make her dreams come true.
