A man sees a father washing car windscreens with his daughter and takes action to change their lives

by Mark Bennett

March 25, 2023

A man sees a father washing car windscreens with his daughter and takes action to change their lives

We don't always stop to think about how lucky we are. Most of us have a "regular" life and certainly don't have to struggle every day to survive.

But this is not the case for everyone: having a roof over your head or food on the table can be a luxuries for some. This is the case of the subjects of this story, who were in dire straits - until they met a generous soul who decided to help them.

via www.lavoz.com

Nose su nombre, lo conozco xq lo vi en la calle trabajando, haciendo changas, ella es su niñita, aparte tiene su esposa...

Pubblicato da Alvaro Romero su Lunedì 17 maggio 2021

This moving story is about how little things can change one's life. Alvaro Romero is a regular, middle class man: he has a house, a good job, friends and family.

However, Alvaro's life was turned upside down by a chance encounter: on his way to work, Alvaro had noticed a man standing at a road junction waiting for "the red light" to be able to do his "job". Mauro - the name of this young man - was cleaning car windscreens for small change. But what really shocked Alvaro was the sight of Mauro's daughter:the 6-year-old girl was sitting on the edge of the sidewalk, doing her school homework. And Alvaro soon found out that Mauro had a lot more to deal with in his tough life.


Mauro had been washing windscreens for at least four years: he had to provide for himself, his wife and their two children. Mauro was also forced to have his daughter with him in the street as there was nobody to look after her at home.

Alvaro then decided to take a picture of Mauro and his little girl doing her homework and made an appeal on Facebook asking for help for the two: "I don't know his full name. I know of him because I saw him in the street on my way to work. Here you can see him washing windscreens while his daughter is doing her homework. This little girl deserves more - she has the right to have every opportunity life offers. Let's help them, thank you." The post was shared by many users and finally reached a construction boss, Agustín, who went to meet Mauro personally.

Agustín offered Alvaro a permanent job as a bricklayer - even giving him a month's salary in advance. In this way, Mauro was able to afford to rent a home where his children can finally play and study in safety. A beautiful story with a happy ending, for sure.

This story teaches us that very little can change someone's life: let's make a difference and turn the world into a nicer, kinder place to live in.
