Fiancé makes a negative comment about his partner's wedding dress: she moves out

A wedding is certainly an exciting day for the two lovebirds who decide to swear eternal love to each other, so the preparations for the big day can be quite stressful: we tend to want everything to be perfect, starting with the wedding dress.
So, what if one of the spouses-to-be doesn't like the dress? This is the dilemma a husband-to-be faced and led to his fiancé leaving him for a few days. Read on to find out more:
via Reddit

"My fiancé and I are getting married in 9 months. She found the dress she liked and bought it, and was too excited to keep it a secret," explained the groom-to-be. "She showed me pictures of the bridesmaids' dresses and I told her they were cute, that they matched my groomsmen's suits very well. Then she took out her dress and asked me what I thought. I specifically asked her if she wanted the truth or not and she said yes," he continued.
So the bride-to-be put on the dress, but her partner was no impressed: "She is a beautiful woman and looks great in anything, but the dress just didn't suit the theme we had chosen for the wedding", he commented. The young woman had opted for a forest-like, magical, whimsical theme, so she had chosen flower crowns for the bridesmaids and other similarly-themed decorations. Her dress, however, was - according to the groom-to-be - rather pompous and guady. "She basically chose a Disney princess dress and I didn't like the way she looked in it at all," the groom-to-be explained.

The young man told his fiance what he honestly thought of the dress. She immediately fell silent, packed her things and went to stay with her mother. Later, she sent a message to her future husband calling him "a monster" for not liking her dress and blocked him on her phone. "This is our first major fight and I'm really upset," said the young man, asking the web for advice on what to do next.
Users invited him to reflect: "You weren't mean, just naive. Hundreds, probably thousands of euros were spent on that dress and maybe she can't take it back. So now, she has to shell out even more money to buy a second dress. Here's a top: tell her that with a few minor adjustments, you'd like the original dress. That you reacted the way you did because you thought it didn't fit her properly. But be sure to make peace with her,” one user suggested.
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