Young woman chooses to be single for 6 months: "It was a great experience"

by Mark Bennett

March 10, 2023

Young woman chooses to be single for 6 months: "It was a great experience"

Many people put love above all: they can't imagine themselves as single and need someone around to love and to reciprocate their feelings. There's nothing wrong with wanting a romantic relationship, but to be truly happy as a couple, you need to learn how to "take a break". Mariemilia Cedeno, a 23-year-old young woman who lives in Florida, in the United States, understood this fact very quickly. After searching for her "Prince Charming" without success, Mariemilia chose to be single for six months.

via Mirror

After her latest, failed relationship, Mariemila decided to make a change in her life: she uninstalled all her dating apps and promised to "love herself" first. She quickly experienced the benefits of being single and she felt much more confident in herself. The experience increased her self-esteem and she has learned to appreciate the feeling of being single.

The strength she found by embracing this new philosophy even pushed her to quit the job she didn't like doing, to devote herself to her own interests. After six months of being single, Mariemila started using dating apps again, albeit with a completely different attitude: now she knows that she can be happy being on her own. Mariemila's "rebirth" has inspired her to share the positive effects of her experience on social media, in order to help other women who, like her, have been disappointed in love.


"In the last six months, I have politely refused any kind of romantic relationship, staying away from dating apps. I must say it was the best experience I've ever had. I felt free, no longer influenced by any kind of bond or pressure. Now my happiness depends only on me - not on whether or not I have a boyfriend who tells me that I am beautiful. I am very proud of myself", Mariemilia said.

Mariemilia also explained that this period of being single allowed her understand what she really wants in a loving relationship: "After my last relationship ended, I understood that I don't want any kind of emotional addiction. I want a mental connection, an equal bond with dialogue and mutual respect. I have no intention of entrusting my entire happiness to a man: there must be added value".

Do you agree with Mariemilia?
