Mother's little daughter cries and screams constantly during the night: the landlord asks them to leave

by Mark Bennett

February 04, 2023

Mother's little daughter cries and screams constantly during the night: the landlord asks them to leave

All new parents look forward to raising their babies, despite the challenges. That said, everyone wants to be able to sleep at night, uninterrupted by a child crying incessantly. Unfortunately, no parent knows what will happen in this regard. The subject of this story was overwhelmed by her little daughter's constant crying — crying that annoyed her neighbors and led her landlord to ask her to leave the premises. Here is the story:

Pxhere / Not the actual photo

Pxhere / Not the actual photo

No one likes being kept awake at night, especially by the crying of a child who won't stop. The neighbors of the subject of this story must have complained to the landlord (who also lived in the same building and was a teacher by trade). The woman tried to apologise for her infant: "I can understand that the noise affects them and I really try to keep it to a minimum." The landlord eventually asked her to find somewhere else to live, adding that the premises were not intended for those with children. "I honestly understand that the neighbors are also exhausted and that their sleep is disturbed constantly...I'm trying desperately to keep my baby quiet so as not to disturb them, but I'm failing miserably," said the desperate young mother.

The woman's 18-month-old daughter will not stop crying: she cries all night until the following morning. The anger of the neighbors is understandable, as is the desperation of this mother.

Wikimedia / Not the actual photo

Wikimedia / Not the actual photo

"Due to my financial situation, I'm struggling to find another place to rent. I don't know what to do anymore, it's just the two of us and I cannot cope. I have a constant migraine and cannot deal with this anymore," the woman said. Additionally, the woman added that her baby is aggressive and even injured her mother's eye. "I don't know if this is normal behavior for a child. She's my first and I didn't expect anything like this," concluded the young mother.

How would you behave if your child caused sleepless nights for you? Let us know in the comments!
