Classmates make one student do all the group work by himself and he gets his revenge by not showing up on the day of the test: "Oops, I've got a flat tire"

by Mark Bennett

February 05, 2023

Classmates make one student do all the group work by himself and he gets his revenge by not showing up on the day of the test: "Oops, I've got a flat tire"

When working in groups, it is common to find someone who, instead of doing their share of the work, passes it on to others. Unfortunately, there is little one can do: these types of individuals will always be with us. The only hope is that, sooner or later, they will learn their lesson and pay for the consequences of their actions. The subject of this story decided to teach a lesson to his lazy classmates who he had to work with on a research project. The young man was the only one studying, preparing the research and getting the project ready. The others completely ignored him, happy to let him do all the work. At this point, the young man decided to take action to expose the laziness of his colleagues.

via Reddit

Marufish (not the actual photo)

Marufish (not the actual photo)

The project that the student and his classmates were supposed to work on was very important from the point of view of their final grades. Unfortunately, the subject of this story had to collaborate with the "worst 3 students" at his school and that meant doing most of the work by himself. A major injustice, don't you think? The young man, however, tried his best to get his colleagues to do their fair share - but without any joy.

"Among many other annoying things, I tried to tell them they had to do their part. But I was ignored," the student said in a rant on Reddit. "I sent them homework to do. They ignored it. I tried to schedule meetings, but they never showed up. It has been like this from the start. It was abundantly clear that they expected me to do all the work for them," said the young man.

Wikimedia / Not the actual photo

Wikimedia / Not the actual photo

The young man knew that he was the only one prepared for the test and that the other students in his group would be clueless. Aware of this fact, he decided to get his revenge. Naturally, he didn't want to fail the project in which he had invested so much, and he knew that his absence would only be excused for a good reason. So, he decided to say he had a flat tire and actually bought a new tire to prove this. And his excuse was accepted. His teacher also allowed him to present the project by himself the following day. As you can imagine, his fellow slackers didn't make a good impression when they tried to present the project.

What do you say? Was the young man right to get revenge in this way?
