This boy was 13 before he celebrated his birthday on the right day: it had always been forbidden

by Mark Bennett

March 20, 2023

This boy was 13 before he celebrated his birthday on the right day: it had always been forbidden

Celebrating a birthday is emotional for both adults and children. After all, it's always nice to know that there is one day in the year where we are the focus. And if we are younger, everything is even more special and a birthday is also an opportunity to spend a day with the people we love and, perhaps, also have a birthday party.

But birthdays are not happy events for everyone. For the subject of this story, this is because of the death of his twin brother, who passed away as soon as they were born. Read on to find out more:

via Reddit

Pixnio - Not the actual photo

Pixnio - Not the actual photo

This story was told by a 13-year-old boy on Reddit who described how happy he was to be celebrating his birthday on the right day, but how it lead to a bitter fight with his parents.

"I am 13 years old. I was born in a poor country where health care is not very advanced. As a result, when my mother was pregnant, she didn't know until the last minute that she was expecting twins. When she gave birth, my twin unfortunately passed away. This caused my parents great pain - so much so that they decided never, ever to celebrate my birthday on this day and date," the teen boy related.

Pixnio - Not the actual photo

Pixnio - Not the actual photo

This decision saddened the boy, despite the fact that his parents held birthday parties for him on a different date. The boy accepted this practice - at least, he did until the family moved to the United States and he saw how his new friends celebrated their birthdays.

"All my classmates did something special to celebrate entering their teens and I would have liked to have done so too - on my real birthday - but my parents said that doing so would be showing a lack of respect for my deceased twin," the boy described.

Pxhere - Not the actual photo

Pxhere - Not the actual photo

The 13-year-old then decided to disobey his parents: he saved up all his money and secretly planned to hold a birthday party on his actual birthdate. When his birthday arrived, he paid homage his twin, but, as soon as he was able, he left home and joined his friends to celebrate his birthday party that he had planned in secret.

"My mother, however, discovered what I had done. She went on a rampage and when I got home, she grounded me, took away my phone and she called a disgrace. I am sure that she would not have been angry if I had celebrated my birthday on another day, but I wanted to experience the pleasure of celebrating on the actual day of my birth," the teen boy said.

But was what this boy did really wrong? Reddit users supported him, but what do you think?
