New-born baby comes into the world and already has two teeth: "we were speechless"

by Mark Bennett

January 26, 2023

New-born baby comes into the world and already has two teeth: "we were speechless"

Each of us are unique and have our own characteristics from an early age. But there are some things that, objectively, are common in, for example, all newborns. Among these is being born without teeth. But despite this being the norm, there are cases in which babies come into the world with teeth - not a complete set, but with one or two.

Proof of this is the little one we want to tell you about here. When he was born, he left the doctors, nurses and his mother, speechless.

via @jordanbloss_/Tik Tok

@jordanbloss_/Tik Tok

@jordanbloss_/Tik Tok

This story took place in Kansas City, Missouri, where mother, Jordan Bloss-Wilson, gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. Beautiful and also very unique. And the reason for this is the fact he was born with teeth already present in his lower jaw.

Shocked by this, the doctors and nurses of the facility observed that the baby boy already had two big teeth in his mouth. And we're talking about two, well-formed teeth.

@jordanbloss_/Tik Tok

@jordanbloss_/Tik Tok

As explained by experts, these are so-called "natal teeth". A rare occurence, these teeth are relatively weak and not deeply rooted. Their presence is not a sign that something is wrong and is nothing to worry about.

In a short video - posted by Jordan to her TikTok account - the little one is seen yawning and showing off his two teeth. The clip has got almost 20 million views, entertaining an audience world-wide. "Don't even think about breast-feeding him: that baby just wants a hamburger," one commentator said; "I would be afraid of him," joked another. And while many users reported having a similar experience (or just making a few jokes), there were those who didn't believe this was possible.

@jordanbloss_/Tik Tok

@jordanbloss_/Tik Tok

Several commentators said they suspected Jordan had faked the images. But the publication of a second clip was enough to silence these rumors. In these images, you can see not only the teeth again, but also the hands of a doctor who is carrying out the check.

In short, newborn babies having teeth is a rare event, but it does happen. But with or without teeth, what could be more heart-warming than the beaming smile of an infant?
