Elderly couple are walking in the pouring rain to go to visit their daughter: policemen see them and give them a lift

by Mark Bennett

January 06, 2023

Elderly couple are walking in the pouring rain to go to visit their daughter: policemen see them and give them a lift

Those who choose to join a state's law enforcement agency (like the police force, for example) are not only deciding to join a group of people ready to fight crime, but also an organisation willing to lend a hand to those in need.

The two policemen in this story certainly know that this is true. Here is their story:

via Nelson Morales /Facebook

“Anécdota del día…! Patrullando por mi área de trabajo me encuentro estos dos seres maravillosos de 85 y 79 años...

Pubblicato da Nelson Morales su Sabato 17 dicembre 2022

This incident took place on the island of Puerto Rico and involved two, on-duty policemen and an elderly couple. As recounted by one of the two officers, Nelson Morales, in a post published to his Facebook account, the elderly couple were walking down a street in the pouring rain when Nelson and his colleague passed them.

The two policemen were out on patrol and stopped to ask the couple where they were going and if they needed any help. The elderly couple - a husband and wife, aged 85 and 79 respectively - were on their way to visit their daughter whom they hadn't seen for several days. "When we stopped, they told us they were trying to get to their daughter, but they still had more than 3 hours walk ahead of them in the pouring rain," Nelson said. "My colleague and I decided to give them a lift to where they needed to go," Nelson stated.

Rawpixel - Not the actual photo

Rawpixel - Not the actual photo

The happiness of the elderly couple to this kindness was palpable They were so happy they asked the officers to take a photo of them sitting in the police car. "I love my job and I love serving my fellow citizens," Nelson said.

It's not every day that you read about stories like this. There are many good people in the world, but it's not common for them to be at the right place at the right time. But in this case, the elderly couple got lucky and were spared from getting soaked.

Congratulations to these two special policemen and for the example they have set.
