Young man graduated and dedicated his success to his mother, a garbage collector: "She always provided for me"

by Mark Bennett

January 24, 2023

Young man graduated and dedicated his success to his mother, a garbage collector: "She always provided for me"

Completing a high school education with flying colors is an important milestone in a person's life, but - although it may seem like an easily achievable goal these days - this is not the case for everyone. Young Lorenzo Menezes is 22 years old and has just graduated in Administration: an achievement which has a special meaning for this young man. In fact, Lorenzo's family made many sacrifices to allow him to study and graduate and this is why her shared a very sweet dedication on his social networks in honor of his mother, Edvan Bacelar da Silva.


Mrs. Edvan Bacelar da Silva - "Netinha", as she is known in Conceição do Coité, Brazil - works as a garbage collector and was not able to complete her education: she had to stop her studies and go to work to support her family. According to Lorenzo, Netinha always made sure that he and his two brothers, Rayssa, 20, and Paulo Ricardo, 13, lacked for nothing: "When I was little, my mother never let me go to school without a pencil, an eraser and a notebook. And there was always a hot meal for us at home," he said.

Every year, Netinha enrolled her children in school and bought their school materials and uniforms. Lorenzo attended public schools and was encouraged by his teachers to enroll at the local university. He was accepted and was awarded a scholarship that covered 100% of the costs in the Faculty of Administration at Anísio Teixeira University - two hours travel from his home.


His mother's sacrifices and Lorenzo's hard work led to him being the first graduate in his family: "The emotion we get when a goal is achieved is indescribable," he said.

"I can only shout out loud about this achievement! It's wonderful to shout: I did it! Don't give up on your dreams. We are all able to make our dreams come true. Whether it's to become a singer, an actor, a policeman, an administrator, a judge...follow your dreams! You will achieve them, and you will succeed. I have just started on mine! I owe much to the scholarship I got, but above all, I owe this to my mother who has always supported me and my brothers. Thank you for everything that you have done for us, mom!" ended Lorenzo.
