Young daughter fails her school year for the second time: her father decides to punish her harshly

by Mark Bennett

July 02, 2023

Young daughter fails her school year for the second time: her father decides to punish her harshly

The "profession" of parenting is the most complex in the world: you have the responsibility and joy of raising your children - even if this sometimes means you have to be strict with them. Sure, parents are human beings and as such, they make mistakes. But most of the time, disciplining a child is for its own good. But when does disciplining a child go too far?

This is a question raised by many people - especially after seeing what a father from Girón in Colombia did. The man decided to punish his 14-year-old daughter, Nicole Yurestsi, in a decidedly severe way.

via Clarin

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Young Nicole did not pass her school year - in fact, she had failed it for the second time. Furious at her daughter's failure, her dad decided to ground her and forced her to clean the house.

"You failed another school year and you have proved are willing to spend all your time at home. You have no ambitions, you don't want to do school work, you want to be a nobody," this father said, enraged with his daughter. After the outburst, the man realized what he said could have been offensive towards all those who chose not to complete their school studies. After he calmed down, he said the following:

Wilfredor/Wikimedia - Not the Actual Photo

Wilfredor/Wikimedia - Not the Actual Photo

"Please forgive my outburst. I'm not belittling or insulting anyone, I'm just sorry for my daughter. I wouldn't want her only ambition to be to get married and take care of a man. I would like her to have choices and not be forced to take care of a husband and children," he said.

This episode elicited mixed reactions from web users, with many calling this father's punishment too harsh.

What do you think about this story?
