The neighbors play loud music at night: instead of calling the police, she takes them a cake

by Mark Bennett

December 13, 2022

The neighbors play loud music at night: instead of calling the police, she takes them a cake

There are many situations in life that make us angry and which brings out the worst in us. Additionally, it is not always possible to resolve problems by being harsh. Indeed, an approach like this can make matters worse. The subject of this story had a problem with her new neighbors, who insisted on in playing their music at full volume, even during the night. Instead of lashing out - as many would do after a string of sleepless nights - this woman decided to take the path of kindness and courtesy. The end result? Better than you could imagine!

via Twitter / CandiceBenbow

37-year-old Candice Marie Benbow was at her wits end with her new neighbors, who insisted on playing their music late at night, and holding parties that lasted until the next morning. Poor Candice was no longer able to sleep due to the noise and one night, she decided to act. But Candice didn't yell at her neighbor or threaten to call the police - she took her neighbors a cake. And a letter.

Candice took a soft and diplomatic approach. Here's what she wrote in the letter: "We haven't met formally and I hate that we are doing so under these circumstances," the letter began. "When you come home every evening and turn up your music, I look forward to it. Sometimes it's a song I haven't heard in a while and I cherish the memory. Other times, it's something I've never heard before and I add the song to my weekly playlists. To be honest, you've helped me a lot in determing my mood."


Candice's letter continued in this polite tone, but also stated that she was still awake at 3:50am in the morning, reflecting on her neighbor's musical tastes. She explained that she had decided drop in on the neighbor, but as she got no answer at the door, she had left the letter and the cake for them. The woman stated that she did not want to call the police, as she wanted to attempt to resolve the matter in a non-confrontational way. "Besides, I really like cooking!" she added.

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

So, did her approach work? Actually, yes, it did. The next night, Candice said the neighbor's music was much quieter and a few days later her neighbor, Tommy, came around. "He apologized for the noise, and he promised to invite me to the next party. And most importantly… HE SAID MY CAKE WAS AMAZING!" Candice said. It turned out that Tommy was a music producer and was going through a very difficult time due to a family tragedy. This information reinforced Candice's belief that it's best to take a softer approach when dealing with problems like this, because we never know what kind of situation the other party is going through.
