Flight attendant meets her favorite school teacher after 30 years: "You changed my life"

by Mark Bennett

November 19, 2022

Flight attendant meets her favorite school teacher after 30 years: "You changed my life"

teacher's job is a complex but exciting. A teacher has a profound impact on the life of their students: they can be sources of inspiration and strive to make their students well-rounded people. When they succeed, these teachers stay in the memories of their ex-students for life. This is shown in a video making the rounds of the Internet, where a thrilled flight attendant expresses her gratitude to her school teacher, who she met on her plane 30 years later.

via TikTok / vancouver_k.thrasher

TikTok - @vancouver_k.thrasher

TikTok - @vancouver_k.thrasher

The video shows flight attendant, Lori, using the plane's PA system to express her gratitude to Ms. O'Connell, her former teacher. "Today is National Teachers Day, so we should thank our favorite teachers. Today, for the first time since 1990, my ex-teacher, Ms. O'Connell, is aboard this plane," she announced.

Upon hearing these words, all the passengers applauded. The emotional flight attendant continued: "She was my absolute favorite teacher and I haven't seen her since 1990. This lady got me to love Shakespeare, she taught me the piano and taught me to write properly. Thank you, Mrs. O'Connell, I love you." Then Lori runs down the aisle to hug her teacher.

TikTok - @vancouver_k.thrasher

TikTok - @vancouver_k.thrasher

At the end of the video, the woman rushes over to the teacher's seat and hugs her. The teacher, happily surprised, says: "You have made my day", and the hostess replies: "You changed my life! Let's exchange emails. I want my children to get to know you - let's keep in touch". The teacher gladly accepted the invitation.

The video garnered over 1.7 million views and over 100,000 likes, also getting comments from users who shared their personal experiences: "I had the honor of reconnecting with my favorite teacher about 10 years ago. She was my kindergarten teacher and now she is 104 years old! I love her!" wrote one user.

Did you have a teacher like this - one that has remained in your heart? Let us know in the comments!
