Child helps his companion in a wheelchair: thanks to him, he participated in the relay race along with everyone else (+ VIDEO)

by Mark Bennett

April 17, 2022

Child helps his companion in a wheelchair: thanks to him, he participated in the relay race along with everyone else (+ VIDEO)

Have you ever witnessed a wonderful act of altruism and solidarity? Most people probably think it's rare thing. Let's face it: everyday life is so hectic that it is not always possible to keep up with everything and do something to help others - perhaps helping others is not at the top of everyone's priorities. The fact remains that benevolent acts towards others are something that warms the heart and fills it with joy. And if it is a child who performs such an action, the impact becomes even stronger.

Often, it is the little ones who lead by example and convey the importance of lending a hand to those in need. The story we are about to tell you is proof of this.

via Milenio

Some time ago, a video was posted on Twitter in which the subjects are two children, probably two classmates. In the video it is not specified where the scene took place and the name of the school is not known - despite this, the images went viral in no time. You may be wondering why: we will now explain this story to you:

In the video, you can see some children partaking in a relay race in a school gym. Specifically, one of them gets the baton and completes his run. Everything seems normal, until he made a wonderful act of empathy towards one of his schoolmates which left everyone speechless. Once back at the starting point, instead of getting back in his place, he resumes the race and does a second lap pushing his handicapped companion in a wheelchair.



If this isn't a lesson on the importance of inclusion, we don't know what is. The fact is that this unknown child has become very famous and his act of kindness has gone viral in the public domain. The video shows all the child's strenghth and willpower in making that this gesture. He needs a lot of strength, in fact, to be able to push the wheelchair, but he does it, even managing to complete his friend's relay lap.

This is a beautiful and sweet video that shows how much empathy children are able to feel, despite their young age. And for this reason, we can understand why the video moved its viewers.

We treasure moments like this and, when we get the chance, bring these images to mind. They could be the little push we need to also do good and improve another person's life - and ours too.
