Man spends 29 hours listening to the incessant screams of a child: the matter is controversial

by Mark Bennett

November 05, 2022

Man spends 29 hours listening to the incessant screams of a child: the matter is controversial

Flying is not a pleasant experience in and of itself for many people, but if accompanied by the incessant screams of upset children, it can turn into a real nightmare. A young musician and actor knows this well when he found himself having to travel from New Zealand to Berlin, Germany - a 29-hour flight. One hopes not to be disturbed during short trips, let alone a flight of this duration! Unfortunately, however, one can never predict who will be seated next to on a plane. Unfortunately, this young man was not very lucky.

via TikTok / balubrigada

TikTok / balubrigada

TikTok / balubrigada

Henry Beasley probably hoped to relax during the long journey that would take him from New Zealand to Europe, more specifically, Berlin. Such a flight takes about 29 hours, which is very long time. And if you are not prepared properly, it can be anything but relaxing. What made this young man's journey a nightmare, however, was the presence of a child who never stopped screaming. To document this nightmare, Henry filmed himself over the course of the 29 hours, proving that the child never stopped screaming. The video was an instant hit. Why would this child not stop screaming?

TikTok / balubrigada

TikTok / balubrigada

Henry is exhausted by the incessant screaming, and his gaze on the video amply demonstrates this. Recently, we have heard more and more about "flights for adults only": this is a topic that always creates controversy, especially among those parents who need to travel and bring their their children with them. Some have criticized Henry's video, arguing that no parent would deliberately let their child act like this and it is out of their hands: "You think we like our children crying and upsetting everyone around us? Absolutely not ". Another commenter said:"It's not funny for us parents either, and I'm always sorry that someone has to listen to my son's outbursts." But there are also those who continue to support some scheduled flights being prohibited for small children.

What do you think?
