Woman can't get pregnant: she encounters a child looking for a family and "hears" God telling her to adopt him

by Mark Bennett

November 10, 2022

Woman can't get pregnant: she encounters a child looking for a family and "hears" God telling her to adopt him

Many couples dream of having children after achieving stability in their relationship, and sometimes wishes come true in the most incredible ways: the story of Keisha and Landon Brazell, a couple from Alabama (USA), is a very clear example of this. After a few years of marriage, the two were looking forward to becoming parents. But after a year and a half of trying without success, they decided it was time to seek the advice of a doctor.

via Lovewhatmatters

The specialist explained that there were no obvious reasons why Keisha could not carry a pregnancy to term naturally. Her difficulties, however, persisted - so much so that Keisha tried to find drugs to help with her pregnancy. The drugs, however, made her emotionally unstable - to the point that one of her friends told her, "Keisha, I think you should stop taking the drugs." Keisha said that at that moment, for no apparent reason, she "felt" that her friend was right. After talking with her husband and praying to God for a miracle, the couple decided not to use the drugs anymore.

After a few months, another friend sent Keisha a message which said: "Have you ever thought about adopting? This little boy is in foster care and needs a home." The message was accompanied with a photo of a beautiful smiling child. Keisha said she stared at the photo for five minutes and had mixed feelings. In her heart, she had always wanted a child of her own and had never considered adoption. Furthermore, she did not understand why her friend had felt the need to give her this information.


Keisha and her husband discussed the matter together and, like all good believers, they also prayed about it together. Keisha confessed that she prayed for a signal from God that she and Landon were destined to be the child's adoptive parents. A few days later, Keisha was in a mall shopping and, in the children's department, she came face to face with the little boy from the photo. "He smiled at me and his face lit up: his eyes sparkled with joy," Keisha explained. "I felt like the Lord was saying to me, 'This is your son,'" she stated.

Keisha ran home to tell Landon everything: "I was unable to control the tears running down my cheeks, I was a whirlwind of emotions," she recalled; even Landon was shocked. It was at that moment that the couple decided to adopt the child. The spouses immediately filled out the forms, hoping to get approved. After a period of foster care, the baby's biological mother asked to speak to the couple. Keisha said that the woman was happy for her and Landon to become the parents of her child and signed the documents to make the adoption official. So, on October 29, 2020, Abel Josiah Brazell officially joined Keisha and Landon's family. "God had a plan for us: he didn't let us have a biological child because our son had already come into the world and was waiting for us," Keisha said.
