Student lets his schoolmate copy his answers during an exam

It's common to feel nervous when taking an exam, whether it's at school or college. However, exam day approaches and nothing can stop this. In these situations, there are sometimes actions taken that show what true friendship between schoolmates is - albeit not for a noble end.
One example is the video shared on TikTok by Ale Flores, which showed the moment when a student helped a friend of his in the middle of an exam.
via Sdpnoticias

Flores shared the clip on his account @ale_flores1407: the video shows the exact moment in which a student is finishing his exam, but before turning the answer sheet in, he decides to share it with his friend. With his arms behind his back in a "waiting" position, the young man turns the completed sheet over and lets his friend copy all the answers. It seems that the young man does not care about the consequences that this copying could bring: he puts himself on the line in order to lend his friend a hand.
Many students oppose cheating in an exam: after all, copying is the easiest way for lazy students to pass. But there are also those who can simply freeze in the middle of an exam, even if they studied hard.

The TikTok video got over 8 million views. And it reminded many of their school days. "It reminded me of when I was helping my classmates to cheat! Actually they weren't all my friends, but I never minded. I always helped those who needed it in those situations," wrote one girl. "That is not a friend: he is a brother, hold on to him tight!" commented another user.
What do you think about this? Do you support what this student did for his friend?