Delivery woman delivers a package to an elderly lady: when she realizes the woman is very sad, she stops to pray with her

by Mark Bennett

December 26, 2022

Delivery woman delivers a package to an elderly lady: when she realizes the woman is very sad, she stops to pray with her

Many people are devoted to their religion, but it is not always easy to put the teachings of one's faith into practice. Compassion, empathy, sensitivity are altruistic feelings and it takes a big heart to be able to spontaneously perform acts of kindness: when you manage to do these, however, you immediately feel happier and at peace.

Amanda Riggan, a delivery woman had a special experience with an elderly woman to whom she delivered a package. Read on to find out more: 

via CBN

Life has been surreal lately, I just want to encourage whoever is reading this if you don’t feel equipped for what’s on...

Pubblicato da Amanda Riggan su Giovedì 7 luglio 2022

This all happened a few years ago, when Amanda decided to share a video in which she described one of her work days. One day, Amanda met an elderly woman who struck up a conversation with her, explaining that her husband was very ill. Having to finish her rounds, Amanda was polite, but she quickly ended the conversation so she could go back to work.

Further down the road, however, a voice inside her told her to go back and speak to the sad, elderly woman: the feeling grew stronger, so Amanda went back to the woman's house. "I rang the bell and she came down the stairs with tears in her eyes," Amanda said. "When she saw it was me, she smiled and I said, 'Lady, can I pray with you?' She came out onto the porch and held me tight. I prayed for her, for her family and for her husband," Amanda recounted.


Shoutout to Fred owner of Victory Lane Indoor Karting for a fun Saturday! If you’re in or around Charlotte and looking for something fun for all ages, you’ll love it! 10 out of 10 🏁🤙🏼

Pubblicato da Amanda Riggan su Domenica 27 febbraio 2022

Three years after sharing the video, Amanda wanted to thank the media for covering her story: "Three years and my video has received 24 million views. I titled the video 'Game Changer'. No one could have known how much my life would change from that day on. An act of kindness that I thought I would only share with family and friends - instead it touched the hearts of many people".

If we think about it, Amanda's gesture was very simple, but she gave hope and comfort to a woman during a difficult time. Perhaps this can serve as an example for us all. Reaching out to help and comfort those in distress and need is a truly noble thing to do.
