Man's wife dies prematurely: colleagues donate 100 days of vacation to him to allow him to be with his grieving daughters

by Mark Bennett

October 10, 2022

Man's wife dies prematurely: colleagues donate 100 days of vacation to him to allow him to be with his grieving daughters

There are moments in life when we need to be close to others. These are moments of fragility, perhaps even of deep despair during which, having others by your side, is the best cure. For this to happen, however, it is necessary that others are willing to provide support at the right time.

Francesco Battistella's colleagues did this for him and helped out the grief-stricken man after his wife died unexpectedly.

via News Italy 24

Pexels - Not the actual photo

Pexels - Not the actual photo

Francesco is a man who suddenly found himself alone with his daughters and had to face a very difficult period of his life. His wife, Lucia Dos Santos, unexpectedly died, and he had to help himself and his children to overcome this tragic event.

Luckily, he wasn't alone and there were those who reached out to help him. Francesco's work colleagues are wonderful people and proved to be true friends. Once they learned of the sad news, they acted to help him. The only thing they could really do was to give Francesco the opportunity to spend more time off with his daughters. In short, Francesco's colleagues decided to give up their holidays to donate them to him.

Rawpixel - Not the actual photo

Rawpixel - Not the actual photo

This initiative, which started at the headquarters of the Cash and Carry (C&C) company for which Francesco works, spread very quickly, eventually involving the employees of the company in over 10 locations. This show of solidarity is truly a noble thing.

Thanks to his colleauges, Francesco was able to take 100 days of paid vacation off with his family to overcome their grief. The initiative did not go unnoticed and atrracted the attention of the company's top management: "We support Franceso and are proud of what his colleagues have done for him. This gesture shows that our employees are not just numbers, but are kind people and we are a big family ".

And we can only agree with these words and wish Francesco and his loved ones achieve peace of mind in the near future.
