She is 18 years old and works on a construction site with her father: they have called her the "most beautiful bricklayer in the world"

by Mark Bennett

September 18, 2022

She is 18 years old and works on a construction site with her father: they have called her the "most beautiful bricklayer in the world"

Young people often have high ambitions regarding their future and the career to pursue. If men often dream of becoming footballers, women often pin their hopes on modeling careers. These are stereotypes, of course, but we live in a society where some roles and some professions seem to have been already "assigned". Take for example the professions of carpenter or bricklayer: how many women do you know who do this work? Probably very few compared to the men who practice these professions. This is why eighteen-year-old Francesca Hawley amazed everyone with her dream of being a bricklayer, following in the steps of her father.

via TikTok / francescagraceh

TikTok / francescagraceh

TikTok / francescagraceh

Francesca gave up a modeling career to embrace the profession of her father Richard, for whom she now works. It is precisely because of her father that the young woman has always had an inordinate passion for construction and it is not surprising, therefore, that she wanted to follow in his footsteps: "I always wanted to be like him and I went to work with him every time that I could when I was little," she said.

"My father has always been a building contractor and when I was younger we lived on a farm: when he built something on our land, I always helped him", continued the young woman, describing how and when her passion was born. "That's when I discovered my love for the construction industry. It's like working with my best friend, even if he's my dad. We both have the same sense of humor and it's always fun. I love spending time with him and I've always known I wanted to work alongside him. At work, we have to remain professional, but at home I can talk to him about things I didn't understand during the day, and he is always ready to show me how to do my job properly."

TikTok / francescagraceh

TikTok / francescagraceh

Not many believe Francesca when she says she works as a bricklayer, especially because of her good looks, but she doesn't heed these comments. "When people ask me what work I do and I tell them I'm a bricklayer, they are stunned. They think I'm a model or an influencer. They don't believe me and they look at me as if I were lying," explained the young woman, who has been called "the most beautiful bricklayer in the world". Francesca is also an influencer on the web since her videos on TikTok are very popular.

TikTok / francescagraceh

TikTok / francescagraceh

Another question raised by readers is about her beauty - which could distract her colleagues from their work. But Francesca put the record straight: "That's not the case at all. My father started his business when I was six years old and everyone who works for him still does, so they've seen me grow up. "

In any case, despite doing a heavy and tiring job, Francesca has not given up taking care of herself during her free time. Her well-manicured nails, which she tries to protect with gloves while she works, are a most obvious example.

What can we say? Francesca is an example for all those who want to pursue their dreams, despite all the difficulties and gender stereotyping. Congratulations to this young woman!
