93-year-old straps herself to the wing of an airplane for an unprecedented feat: "I did it for charity"

When you reach your golden years, you might believe that you have completed all your dreams - or rather, that you no longer have enough time or strength to carry some desires. But many people around the world have clearly demonstrated that age is just a number. A great example of this is Mrs Betty Bromage, a 93-year-old granny, who decided to get tied to the wing of an airplane for a unique experience and to get into the Guinness Book of World Records for charity.
via Ladbible

Mrs Bromage, from Gloucestershire, England, explained that at her advanced age, she can no longer run like she used to. But she still has an ambition to try new things: "So I started looking for some original ideas and I found out about being strapped to the wing of a flying plane", she said.
Despite her age, the sprightly granny got strapped to the wing of an aircraft: once strapped on, the plane took off and did some aerial aerobatics. As mentioned earlier, the adventure of brave Betty was for charity and to raise funds for her local Sue Ryder seniors' association, which had taken care of one of her relatives. With this incredible experience, the woman raised over £ 28,000 pounds.

"This association helps a lot of people. They took care of my sister-in-law and were really nice to her. Even some of my friends have received the assistance they needed from them over the years. They are a fantastic association. I found out about them when I turned 89 and I was impressed. It also has a nursing team that supports families as well," said Betty.
In addition to the noble intention of wanting to help the association, grandmother Betty admitted that she wanted to perform the stunt to have an adventure: "I wanted to prove to myself that I can still do it! Being able to get on and off the plane was a source of great pride for me. At my age, it is normal to feel a little tired, but my neck (which got strained in the stunt) is now much better as I have entrusted my care to a good specialist. And then I also have the support of my dear daughter-in-law and my grandchildren," she said.
What can we say? Congratulations to this brave grandmother!