6-year-old girl dresses up as her favorite TV character: a funny, old lady

by Mark Bennett

June 02, 2022

6-year-old girl dresses up as her favorite TV character: a funny, old lady

Let's face it: children have wild imaginations and their audacity, in some situations, is worthy of all our admiration. With their purity and genuineness, they are able to make us smile, laugh and be amazed - stunned, even, by their creativity and inventiveness. They are able to imagine situations and characters that many adults would not be able to fathom, and often they leave us speechless with what they come up with. They see the world without any adult filters and inhibitions and the results are often fantastic.

And this is just like what was done by the young subject of our story. To celebrate 100 days of attending school, she came up with something truly original. Let's find out what she did together:

via Reddit



The 6-year-old girl was asked to come up with something creative to celebrate her milestone of 100 days of atteding her particular school. This is certainly not a widespread custom in all countries, but in the United States it is, and it is a very popular celebration. The number 100 is seen as signifying a very special watershed, so children and teenagers alike are asked to create something which has 100 as its central theme.

Well, this 6-year-old girl came up with a truly original idea: she asked to dress up in a way so she would look like a very famous TV character - Aunty Yetta (also known as Granny Yetta). Do you know who we are talking about? Many of you will know about Aunty Yetta without a shadow of a doubt, but for those who are not aware of her, we will tell you about her below:



Aunty Yetta Rosenberg or Grandma Yetta (her given name varies according to the series adaptations, the language and the countries of distribution), is one of the actors from the series "The Nanny" (with Fran Fine as the star) and which was broadcast for many years around the world.

This was a very popular 90s TV series and in which we meet an elderly woman, grandmother to the show's star, and who brings to the plot all the problems an elderly person has to live with. And it was Aunty Yetta that provided the inspiration for the young girl.

Thanks to the help of her parents the little girl managed to transform herself into a real mini Granny Yetta. Between costumes, make-up and her posture, if you look carefully at the images, you would seem to be looking at a 100-year-old TV personality and not a small girl. Wouldn't you agree?

When she turned up at her school looking like Yetta, it created a lot of laughter and left everyone pleasantly amused. Little Granny Yetta was so successful that many photos were taken of her and were then published on the web.



Wasn't that brilliantly creative of this little girl?
