1-year-old child dresses up as Queen Elizabeth II: Her Majesty sends the family a letter of thanks

by Mark Bennett

January 06, 2022

1-year-old child dresses up as Queen Elizabeth II: Her Majesty sends the family a letter of thanks

Getting a letter from the Queen of England doesn't happen every day, but an American child has experienced this rare event. As everybody knows, in the United States it is traditional to dress up for Halloween and stroll around the streets of one's city or neighborhood "trick or treating" at every houseJalayne Sutherland, a 1-year-old child, celebrated that day dressed up as the Queen of England, Elizabeth II. Everyone complimented her mother on the little girl's wonderful outfit and many of them bowed to her, addressing her as "Your Majesty". The best response the Sutherland family received, however, was from the Queen herself, by way of a letter of thanks.

via Facebook / Katelyn Jalayne Sutherland

Who knows what satisfaction it would give one to be able to walk around dressed like the Queen of England and be greeted like her by passers-by in the street? Little Jalayne may not have been able to grasp the beauty of her costume, designed by her mother, but she sure seems to have had a lot of fun wearing the Queen's outfit. On the occasion of Halloween, Jalayne's parents dressed her up as Queen Elizabeth II, including a hat and a light blue dress that could have come straight out of her closet of Her Majesty. Of course, the pearls weren't missing either. And the little girl was accompanied by Corgis - the Queen's favorite breed of dog! In short, this was a very realistic costume.

Katelyn Sutherland, Jalayne's mother, sent the photos to Buckingham Palace, but did not really expect any kind of response. The Queen, however, did reply by letter via her lady-in-waiting, the Hon. Marry Morrison.


The letter sent to this American family reads: "The Queen wishes me to write to you and thank you for your letter and for the photographs you have kindly attached. Her Majesty thankd you for being kind enough to write to Her and was pleased to see the pictures of your daughter, Jalayne, in that gorgeous outfit. The Queen sends Her Christmas wishes and I am attaching some information about the royal dogs, which I think Jalayne might like." Receiving such a letter is very emotional event, because Queen Elizabeth II is not actually likely to read the mail Herself.

But why did little Jalayne's parents choose this royalty-themed Halloween costume for their daughter? The idea for the outfit came mainly thanks to the presence of the Corgis and the friendship between the dogs and little Jalayne. The idea of dressing up as Queen Elizabeth II grew organically out of this context.

"We wanted to do something that Jalayne and the dogs could participate in all together. We are definitely fans of the royal family and we really admire how the Queen's reign endures."



The Sutherland's Halloween efforts were a huge success and Her Majesty thanked them for their recognition!
