Woman's house was demolished by mistake: "I had been living there since I was 10 - my grandfather bought it"

by Mark Bennett

April 26, 2022

Woman's house was demolished by mistake: "I had been living there since I was 10 - my grandfather bought it"

Home is where the heart is. How many times have we heard this expression? After all, it is a saying which has a lot of truth to it. Whether it is rented or even more so when it is owned, the home is the place where each of us feels safe, to return to at the end of the day to recharge and recover from a long day of work (or other commitments). But try for a moment to close your eyes and imagine that, on returning home one evening, you find your home is gone.

Let's admit it: it may seem like a paradoxical situation. A house, unless it is a camper or a caravan, cannot move. It certainly cannot grow legs and run away like something from a movie or a cartoon, right? But what if it was demolished by mistake? A story like this took place in reality for an American woman. We tell you here exactly what happened:

via WKRG/Youtube

Pxfuel - Not the actual photo

Pxfuel - Not the actual photo

This is the story of Jennifer Pulliam, a woman from Leaksville, Mississippi, who has lived in her home since she was 10 years old. "It was my grandfather's old house that he had bought back in 1965. Since then, it has always belonged to our family," the woman explained in an interview. One weekend, however, while Jennifer was away, a construction company was mistakenly given the job of demolishing the house.

Pixabay - Not the actual photo

Pixabay - Not the actual photo

The woman suddenly learned of the incident from a relative. Jennifer immediately hired an investigator to figure out how things had gone so wrong. So she found out that a construction company was responsible for what happened and that they had demolished the house by mistake. That's right - human error destroyed the old family home of inestimable sentimental value.

"When I heard the news, I cried for 40 minutes. I turned to the police, but they told me that those responsible will not be arrested because there was no malicious intent behind this act, it was only an unfortunate mistake. However, I have decided to bring a lawsuit against the company and I will keep going until justice is done", said the woman.

There were many comments from the web, obviously. All the followers took the side of the woman and encouraged her to continue with her lawsuit. If she manages to win the case, she will first have her house rebuilt and, according to some comments, a very high cash compensation given the sentimental value of the property.

This matter will be up to the court to decide, we can only hope that the woman will be compensated, even though we know that no amount of money will ever be enough to fill the void and the sorrow of her loss.
