Woman died for 15 minutes, and claims to have gone to heaven: "There were mountains, lakes and people"

by Mark Bennett

February 13, 2023

Woman died for 15 minutes, and claims to have gone to heaven: "There were mountains, lakes and people"

Faith is a very personal matter: there are those who believe in a superior entity, God, and believe in the afterlife; then, there are those who are a bit more skeptical. Even in the face of "miracles", there are those who always take a very skeptical view, since hard proof is always lacking. Despite this, there are those who swear they have seen heaven and can describe it in detail. Whether real or not, for the person who had this mystical experience, it definitely felt real. Let's check out one story like this below:

via Youtube / NDE Diary

Youtube / NDE Diary

Youtube / NDE Diary

On May 6, 2001, Dr. Lynda Kramer was pronounced "clinically dead" for 15 minutes before recovering from this traumatic experience. Lynda is not the first person to report seeing something whilst technically dead. Experiences like this convince the faithful that there is, in fact, an afterlife. During the 15 minutes, Lynda claimed to have gone to Heaven for a much longer period, i.e. 5 years. This is how she felt, since "time does not exist" in heaven; she used personal experience to estimate how long she had been in paradise.

But what's in heaven? What did Lynda see over the course of the claimed 5-year sojourn?

Unsplash / Not the actual photo

Unsplash / Not the actual photo

"There was a huge mountain range behind me. I could see buildings with skyscrapers. They were so tall, they make Dubai's skyscrapers look like a bunch of miniature huts. I saw lakes, I could see amazing panoramic views," Lynda recounted once she "returned" to the land of the living. To those who are wondering, the answer is "yes": "I could interact with other people, talk to them and even become one them".

Of course, this is all very subjective and each of us is free to believe or not the testimonies of those who claim to have seen the light, God, heaven or even hell. What do you think of this type of testimonial?
