Man's girlfriend comes into an inheritance and he wants to use it to buy a house for his ex: a fight breaks out

by Mark Bennett

February 21, 2023

Man's girlfriend comes into an inheritance and he wants to use it to buy a house for his ex: a fight breaks out

It's not uncommon for problems to arise when money issues come into play in a relationship. This is not always the case, iof course, but it can happen that certain economic decisions lead to significant conflict between a couple, and the story we are about to tell you about here is proof of this.

The subject is a woman who posted to Mumsnet a story about what was going on with her partner: the man wanted her to use an inheritance she received to benefit his ex. Read on to find out more:

via Mumsnet

Nenad Stojkovic/Flickr - Not the actual photo

Nenad Stojkovic/Flickr - Not the actual photo

The woman - who chose to remain anonymous - stated she had known her boyfriend for many years: at first it was just a friendship, but then they became romantic. Everything was going well, until the woman lost a dear relative, who bequeathed her a relatively large sum of money. At this point, her boyfriend made an incredible request.

"While I was still grieving for my loss, my partner had a lot of extravagant ideas on how to use my inheritance. I wasn't thinking about this at all at the time," the woman stated.

Then, one evening, the boyfriend proposed something that stunned the woman. "He told me that, with the money from the inheritance, we could buy a house nearby where his ex - who he is on good terms with - could live, together with the two children he had had with her ".

Pexels - Not the actual photo

Pexels - Not the actual photo

The woman could not believe her ears: she said she felt shocked and hurt by the proposal, which she treated as a lack of respect for her. In the ensuing argument, the woman described her boyfriend's proposal as "disgusting".

Reading about what had happened, many users advised the woman to make it clear to her boyfriend that he had crossed a line and that she was the only one who will decide how to use the money. Some users even advised the woman to end her relationship with her boyfriend.

What do you think about this story? Did the woman's partner really go too far?
