Young woman discovers she is pregnant 2 hours before giving birth: no belly and no cravings for 9 months

by Mark Bennett

February 14, 2023

Young woman discovers she is pregnant 2 hours before giving birth: no belly and no cravings for 9 months

How is it possible that a woman does not realize she is pregnant? Apparently, however, this can indeed happen. The subject of this story, apparently, did not know she was pregnant and only found out about it a few hours before giving birth. She had no sudden cravings for weird food and, above all, no swollen belly. But let's find out more about this story:

via Independent

Bri Blanton became a mother in a very unusual way ... without knowing she was going to be! At only 18 years old, the young American rocked the web by stating that she did not know she was pregnant until a few hours before giving birth. One day, Bri began to feel unwell and knew there was something wrong. The young woman woke up with severe abdominal pain and immediately called her mother, Jennifer Blackwell. Jennifer immediately took her daughter to the hospital, where the nurse told the two of them the incredible news: Bri was about to give birth to a baby girl!

Hours after admission, baby Oakleigh was born and Bri was delighted to welcome her baby into her life.


Though she had very little notice of becoming a mum, Bri is now happier than ever as she holds her baby Oakleigh: "When they told me I was pregnant and about to give birth I couldn't believe it. I kept telling my mother: 'This is not possible.' They put Oakleigh in my lap after she was born and my mom said I looked stunned. It took me a good four hours after Oakleigh was born to realize what had happened." In fact, such news is not easy to digest and we perfectly understand that the young woman may have felt stunned by such an event. Bri's mother, Jennifer, was equally astounded by the incident given that just a few months earlier, she had given her daughter a pregnancy test, which was negative. Furthermore, Bri never developed a swollen belly.

"Anyway, Oakleigh is a blessing and watching Bri being a mum is really nice," said Jennifer, now a young grandmother at just 36 years old.
