Elderly man admits to driving for 70 years without a license: he's finally caught by the police

by Mark Bennett

February 23, 2022

Elderly man admits to driving for 70 years without a license: he's finally caught by the police

All those who today drive a private means of transport, like their own personal car, remember perfectly what it feels like to undergo the exam for their driving license - both the theoretical and the practical one. Not everyone manages to pass this test on the first go, and many of us in the past had to study hard and repeat it over and over again to finally get that special, official document that would allow us to drive our own car and without being stopped and fined by police. Passing our test and getting our driving license is a dream come true for most of us, but for others, not having a license does not seem to have been a problem for them at all...

via Bulwell Police UK/Facebook

The City North OP Reacher team are out on pro-active patrols in Sherwood and Carrington this evening, but an early...

Pubblicato da Bulwell, Rise Park and Highbury Vale Police su Mercoledì 26 gennaio 2022

The incredible story we want to tell you about today concerns an 80-year-old man from Nottinghamshire, England, UK. This elderly gentleman was stopped by the local police to check that his driving license and documents were in order. It was a pity then, that the "unfortunate" driver did not have any qualifications to be behind the wheel of a car... and he had been driving illegally like this for at least seventy years!

This is an incredible situation but it really happened a short time ago in the UK. The 80-year-old man stopped by the police admitted to them that he was born in 1938 and candidly stated that he had driven more than one car in the past without valid documents, starting from when he was about 12 years old. The policemen in the area were particularly stunned - they couldn't believe what that old man was telling them. In fact, they were so shocked that they eventually posted an article on their official Facebook page about the incident that soon went viral...

Nate Robert/Flickr - Not The Actual Photo

Nate Robert/Flickr - Not The Actual Photo

In their Facebook post, the Bulwell and Highbury Vale police department wrote: "We can't believe what happened as the driver, born in 1938, said he had driven without a license and without insurance since he was 12 years old - yes 12 years old!... and somehow has managed to never to be caught (until now). Eventually, he was stopped by the police. Luckily, he had never had an accident, caused anyone to be injured and had never defrauded the insurance. Take heed to this story, and make sure all your driving documents are in order... because we will find you someday, and probably sooner rather than later. "

The question we all have ask ourselves at the end of this story is the following: how is it possible that in 70 years, this man without a driving license managed to get away with it for so long?
