Woman celebrates turning 114 years old with her 97-year-old sister

by Mark Bennett

April 26, 2023

Woman celebrates turning 114 years old with her 97-year-old sister

Many people aspire to have a long life: it is not uncommon to hear phrases such as "I hope to reach one hundred years". The subject of this story has not only reached this important milestone, but has exceeded it by far - and is still completely compos mentis. Mrs. Nina Willis, in fact, has reached the incredible age of 114 years. The super-centenarian is from Georgia, USA, and is the oldest woman in the state. Nina is surrounded by family and friends who care for her, but her main guardian is her younger "little sister", Pecola - who is 97 years old herself.

via FOX 5 Atlanta

 YouTube - FOX 5 Atlanta

YouTube - FOX 5 Atlanta

"There's nothing I wouldn't do for her. She's my pride and joy, so I intend to take care of her always," Pecola commented. All her loved ones proudly displayed on the walls of their homes the numerous letters received from the mayor on the occasion of their centenary birthdays.

Born on January 14, 1909, Nina worked on a farm in Robinson before moving to Atlanta in 1947. On Nina's birthday, her family and friends decided to get together to celebrate. Though bedridden, Nina is still alert and remains religious: "God is good," Nina stated.

 YouTube - FOX 5 Atlanta

YouTube - FOX 5 Atlanta

Nina's niece, Beverly Frazier, explained that her aunt is like a second mother to her: "When my aunt Nina turned 100, she was still as sharp as ever. She was still reading the paper without glasses, she had incredible eyesight. One day we were sitting in my house and looking out the window, and she could see the planes in the sky, while I couldn't even spot them!" she recalled.

"I'm so happy she was able to blow out 114 candles," Pecola said. Beverly also put forward a theory about her family's longevity: "In our opinion, the secret to living long may lie in the family genes, because Aunt Pecola turns 98 in a few weeks. But, if you ask either of them, they will say: 'Do the right thing and treat people right.' They're just loving, caring people who believe a lot in God and religion," Beverly said.

Would you like to reach Nina's age?
