14 unfortunate people who would have liked to skip the day these things happened

by Alison Forde

October 21, 2021

14 unfortunate people who would have liked to skip the day these things happened

There are days when we would simply like a bad day to finish as quickly as possible, to put an end to our prolonged bad luck. It can happen to anyone to run into a "bad day" and feel tired and dejected already after the first coffee of the day, as long as you can drink this coffee, without spilling the cup or tripping over some corner of the office. In the end, these are small everyday problems that certainly don't help to improve the our mood, but which are certainly nothing compared to other catastrophes. A tree that suddenly falls right on your car, for example, could be a far more serious problem than rain on the day you are going on vacation. Check out these 14 photos and tell us if you too can empathize with the unfortunate people on this list!

1. A bad start to the day...

1. A bad start to the day...



2. Could things get any worse?

2. Could things get any worse?


3. He doesn't even look the slightest bit remorseful...

3. He doesn't even look the slightest bit remorseful...


 When you have pets in your home, it is always best to hide electronic or valuable items from their clutches.

4. "I didn't think it would ever happen to me: in 6 hours of flight, this foot touched me 3 times"

4. "I didn't think it would ever happen to me: in 6 hours of flight, this foot touched me 3 times"


Unfortunately, we are often victims of extreme rudeness from other people, who just don't seem to know how to behave in most situations. Many times, these people engage in shameful behavior, dictated simply by their deep selfishness. Does it seem appropriate to take off your shoes on the plane and annoy, even if unknowingly, the passenger sitting in front of you? 

5. After a very long journey of 13 hours, this is the sight which greets you

5. After a very long journey of 13 hours, this is the sight which greets you


Unfortunately, when choosing destinations for your vacation, you don't have control of the weather and the risk of going on vacation during a period of bad weather is always very high! 


6. "Oh no!"

6. "Oh no!"


 Now that's a tricky problem!

7. "When you live in Norway and accidentally leave your office window open ..."

7. "When you live in Norway and accidentally leave your office window open ..."



8. "I'm a solar panel installer and I have to wear gloves while I work ... and it's only May!"

8. "I'm a solar panel installer and I have to wear gloves while I work ... and it's only May!"


We can't imagine what will happen in August ...

Always remember to put on some sunscreen to protect your skin, even if there doesn't seem to be much sun!


9. "I left a pile of money here...I just don't undestand..."

9. "I left a pile of money here...I just don't undestand..."


What we can see is that there must have been a misunderstanding with the shredder ... 


10. "What can I say ... I seem to be allergic to EVERYTHING"

10. "What can I say ... I seem to be allergic to EVERYTHING"


When you beat every record, but you would have gladly done without it! 

11. "I dropped the beads on the floor ... now I have to start sorting them out all over again. ONE BY ONE"

11. "I dropped the beads on the floor ... now I have to start sorting them out all over again. ONE BY ONE"


There are some situations that require incredible patience, which not everyone can have ... What would you have done in such a situation?


12. "I asked my children how many eggs were left in the fridge: 'lots' was their answer"

12. "I asked my children how many eggs were left in the fridge: 'lots' was their answer"


13. "That's why last night there was that unusual smell in the air ..."

13. "That's why last night there was that unusual smell in the air ..."



14. "The dinner my husband had been cooking for three hours ..."

14. "The dinner my husband had been cooking for three hours ..."


When these things happen, you just have to stay calm and not get discouraged! 
