Cashier spends her last $20 to help a penniless customer: "I knew it was the right thing to do"

by Alison Forde

June 14, 2021

Cashier spends her last $20 to help a penniless customer: "I knew it was the right thing to do"

In every job you not only have to demonstrate a lot of passion but also a lot of commitment and heart. The more an employee is generous and with their character they manage to instill positive vibrations in their colleagues, the more this person will be rewarded with a lot of affection, esteem and respect. One of these model employees we're going to tell you about is a cashier named Rita Jackson Burns, and with the very little money she had in her pocket she paid for a customer who couldn't afford it at the time ...

via Faith Pot

Melissa Correa/Twitter

Melissa Correa/Twitter

Rita Jackson Burns is a cashier who works for a large supermarket in Houston, United States; a person much loved by both her colleagues and her clients, who can't wait for her to serve them and to have a friendly chat with this woman with a good soul. However, the gesture of extreme generosity that Rita made towards a customer made everyone's hearts melt definitively: when Rina Liou went into the supermarket to simply buy some light bulbs, she discovered that she had made a big mistake. Not only did she have her husband's cell phone with her and not her own, but she also realized that she had left her cash at home.

Rita had seen that the client was visibly in trouble, so she decided that she would pay for those bulbs for her: "I said to myself, do it, pay those bulbs for her, after all she seems to really need them ..."


Melissa Correa/Twitter

Melissa Correa/Twitter

Rita knew she had only $20 available on her card, but at the same time she was sure that in her heart she was doing a right thing, an act of the greatest kindness; so, she took out her credit card, handed it to the cashier where she worked, and paid Rina Liou's $12.41. The woman, visibly embarrassed, couldn't believe what that kind cashier had done for her: "She saved me. I couldn't believe that a stranger would do it for another stranger. Like, she didn't know me at all. I knew I had to come back."

And in fact Rina couldn't help but go back to that supermarket to thank that kind cashier in her own way: not only did she come back to give the money back to the woman, but she also left her some "tip" money for the kind gesture that she had done for her that day. There's a reason why Rita has been working in that supermarket for at least 38 years and is well-liked by everyone!

It's people like this cashier who make the world a better place in their own small way!
