Mom gives her 2-year-old daughter up for adoption as soon as the boy she wanted is born: the family goes on a rampage

by Alison Forde

April 11, 2021

Mom gives her 2-year-old daughter up for adoption as soon as the boy she wanted is born: the family goes on a rampage

Dear mothers and fathers, we have an uncomfortable question to ask you: when you were considering bringing a baby into the world, did you hope in your heart to have a boy or a girl? Of course, the correct answer should be that it doesn't matter what gender the child is, but only the love that a parent can give to it unconditionally. Still, some parents make no secret that they would prefer to have a boy in the family, or if not, a girl.

via AITA/Reddit

Hippopx/Not The Actual Photo

Hippopx/Not The Actual Photo

An anonymous woman told an incredible story on Reddit that involved not only her sister but the whole family, now practically destroyed by grief. The woman told readers that, because of the restrictions and social distancing measures due to Covid-19, her family had not been able to meet for the current year's holidays, or for anniversaries, birthdays, or simply to have dinner together. An forced separation that meant this woman had never met in person the newcomer to the family, her sister's second child, her first boy.

To span the distance, the whole family organized a video call to greet the newcomer from a distance from on screen, but when the sister asked if she could also greet her two-year-old niece, the eldest daughter of the sister of the author of this story , the frost fell: apparently the little girl was no longer part of the family because ... she was adopted as soon as the boy was born!


Pixy/Not The Actual Photo

Pixy/Not The Actual Photo

The woman was livid and could not believe what she was hearing from her sister's mouth; she was justifying herself by saying that she had decided to give her eldest daughter up for adoption because she had realized that she wouldn't be able, together with her husband, to take care of two children in the same family unit. The whole family connected by the video call was shocked, not only by that act which they considered selfish, but because in all this in the previous year the woman's sister had not warned any member of her family of her decision, nor had she asked for help, something that many would have gladly given.

In the end, as the author tells on her Reddit post, the family video call ended with very tense and heated words, her sister momentarily cutting ties with the others, while everyone still wonders why that woman acted in this way without taking into account the feelings of her family and the psychological consequences upon a little girl who, at the age of two, already knew very well who her mother was and who was now suddenly given up for adoption ...

What do you think about it? Is the author of this story right or is the mother who gave her daughter up for adoption as soon as the long-awaited boy arrived justified?

