16 photos that were taken just seconds before disaster occurred

There are some photographs that will never be able to be taken again, unique shots that were taken at just the right moment. Many of these photographs are those which immortalize absurd moments, being taken by people who were in the right place at the right time. We have collected some photographs for you that were taken exactly a moment before disaster occurred, but always with a healthy dose of irony!
Here he is, about to take a memorable dive!

Something tells us that that she won't be smiling in a second ...

A flight that is anything but elegant: what a disaster!

Disaster is happening in the background, unbeknownst to the man having his photo taken.

Oh no, someone's going to get wet!

An old family photograph which captured the moment before a terrible fall!

Here comes a snowball in your face!

A real expert with a bow and arrow!

A second before a disastrous fall ... look out!

And just when you're relaxing and getting some sun ... a cold shower arrives, in every sense!

What a blow! We wonder how she reacted?

Beware of the hard landing!

A shot that perfectly encapsulates the spirit of this article: poor girl hahaha!

Playing snowballs...ouch that hurt!

All concentrated on taking yet another selfie ... but the danger is looming in the shape of that glass: watch out!

Bad luck! Maybe he'll win at Jenga next time!
