The power of genes: 18 people who resemble their parents to an unbelievable extent

When you are pregnant, the moment of birth is always a very emotional moment for everyone, as well as for the mother. Friends and relatives can't wait to find out what the future unborn child will look like and, sooner or later, the bets are on: "who is he most like - mom or dad?". Undoubtedly, a child assumes the characteristic features of both parents, but not infrequently it happens that they particularly resemble one or the other. There are cases in which a son or a daughter recalls in all respects one of the two parents, without any doubt. Just look at these photos to see that the protagonists are indisputedly related!
1. "My daughter, 2 years old in 1998 on the left, and my 2 year old niece, in 2019, on the right ... similar, right?"

2. A striking resemblance between father and son!

3. "Me and my mother, both at 25 years old"

4. "My appearance seems to be somewhat reminiscent of my great great grandfather!"

5. Father and son ... same age, same outfit!

6. "Me and my mother at the same age!"

7. "Me and my brother on the left ... my two children on the right!"

8. "Me and my daughter at the age of 2: practically two peas in a pod!"

9. They look like the same child but are actually mother and daughter!

10. "My husband when he was 5 on the right ... and our daughter on the left!"

11. There's no doubt that they are related!

12. "My son, on the left, and an old photo of me, on the right"

13. "My son at almost 16 and, on the right, my husband when he was 17!"

14. Like peas in a pod!

13. "My son at almost 6 and, right, my husband when he was 7!"

16. "My father in 1985 and me, today"

17. "My grandmother's passport photo, on the left, dated 1955, and a photo of me, today, on the right"

18. "An old photo of my husband and ... our daughter!"
