Parents "reserve" public park benches for a party, but their behavior is atrocious

by Mark Bennett

June 20, 2023

Parents "reserve" public park benches for a party, but their behavior is atrocious

Who doesn't love taking a walk in the park, under the shade of the trees and the touch of a light breeze? Clean air, lush greenery and warm sun are enjoyed by many people. And many spots like this - parks and woods, for example - are open to the public for free

Of course, occasionally you will come across a spot that has been "booked" by someone who "forbids" you from using an area that should, in fact, be open to everyone.

via Mirror



This is exactly what happened in the story we are about to tell you about here: a family deliberately decided to occupy 3 large picnic tables in a public park - on a Saturday!

To be precise, these individuals had placed tablecloths on the picnic tables and then had left a note on each of the table benches.

In each note, there was a rather "strong" message where they "encouraged" strangers to stay away the tables, and read as follows: "Reserved for a birthday party. Please respect the space we've set aside and do not use our tables. This is a 4-year-old's party. Don't be the one to screw it up. Thank you." Needless to say, this is very rude thing to do - and that's not all...



In fact, the family in question did not turn up for more than 6 hours after they had put up their rude notes!

Eventually, the family arrived and started what was defined as a "boisterous" party: amongst other things, they played music at top volume which could be heard throughout the park.

Outraged, one person took some "incriminating" photos and then posted them to social media. Comments criticizing the family were not long in coming: "I can understand the idea of wanting to enjoy a party in a park, but going about it like this is unacceptable," wrote one user; "It's like booking a spot to play pool at 7am and then only showing up at 1pm to play - that's absurd!" wrote another.

In short, everyone found the family's actions objectionable and even the park rangers ended up having to have "a chat" with them.


