15 photos of animals that over time come to be more and more like their owners

by Alison Forde

November 29, 2020

15 photos of animals that over time come to be more and more like their owners

It is often said that dogs share particular similarities with their owners, both from the physical point of view, due to some curious external characteristics, and for certain aspects of their personalities that are shared. In the long run, therefore, our pet - dog, cat, parrot or rabbit ... - seems to take on some of the attitudes it recognizes in its owner. It's not uncommon, therefore, to spot these animals in certain particular situations, in which we might never have dreamed of seeing them. Dogs driving, cats warming up sitting in front of the fireplace or sleeping with their mouths open ... in short, all typically human actions!

1. "Well, what are you looking at?"

1. "Well, what are you looking at?"

dgbbad / Reddit


2. Excellent service today!

2. Excellent service today!

Reddit / Superplayer90210

3. Here's how the cat and her mistress sleep ... let's hope they don't swallow any flies!

3. Here's how the cat and her mistress sleep ... let's hope they don't swallow any flies!

SlothOnHoth / Reddit

4. At such an important and moving moment, the dog couldn't help but copy his master

4. At such an important and moving moment, the dog couldn't help but copy his master

yokouh / Reddit

5. Like two sweet old men warming up in front of the fireplace after Christmas lunch

5. Like two sweet old men warming up in front of the fireplace after Christmas lunch

Reddit / WailingOctopus


6. He would like to drive...

6. He would like to drive...

Reddit / Ruk_Ruwa

7. One big family!

7. One big family!

ARWisHere / Reddit


8. Like owner, like dog...brrr, what freezing water!

8. Like owner, like dog...brrr, what freezing water!

woof_woof_mf / Reddit

9. Sandra washing her face after she saw her keeper doing the same

9. Sandra washing her face after she saw her keeper doing the same

Reddit / TeisTom


10. When Spotify works better than anything else to soothe in a bad storm...

10. When Spotify works better than anything else to soothe in a bad storm...

Reddit / camillabok

11. Both looking in the same direction, with innocent curiosity

11. Both looking in the same direction, with innocent curiosity

Labbielove / Reddit


12. My daughter dressed like a dog, while gathering apples in the garden"

12. My daughter dressed like a dog, while gathering apples in the garden"

calvnhobs6 / Reddit

13. Just the same!

13. Just the same!

Malley99 / Reddit


14. They both love to look at nature for hours

14. They both love to look at nature for hours

Reddit / Queen_trash_mouth

15. "This is Ben. He also has a beard and is as big as a human. They have fun in the traffic"

15. "This is Ben. He also has a beard and is as big as a human. They have fun in the traffic"

Reddit / TheGospelOfMark
