The video of this opossum shows that a mother's love is bigger than anything else in the world!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

September 16, 2018

The video of this opossum shows that a mother's love is bigger than anything else in the world!

You will agree with us if we tell you that it does not matter which species you are part of, "A mother is always a mother"!  In any case, if you have any doubts about it, we invite you to watch the video below.

Do you think that a mother opossum's life is easy? Not at all! You just try to look after seven "almost grown" joeys (baby opossums), who do not want to stop riding on their mother's back and start walking alone.

And so, even as big as they are they still cling to their mother's fur exactly the way they did when they were just born!

So, are you still convinced that there are no differences between mothers?

A video captures a mother opossum intent on carrying seven puppies all together on her back!

A video captures a mother opossum intent on carrying seven puppies all together on her back!

Screenshot Youtube

The joeys learn practically from the moment that they are born that they absolutely must keep close to their mother! They learn quickly that only way to follow her when she moves is to cling to her fur in order to keep up!



Of course, this is a great way for mamma opossum to not lose sight of her joeys (baby opossums) which are often very numerous! But when these start to grow up it can become a problem!

In fact, joeys grow up fast and the time quickly arrives when it is no longer possible for mamma opossum to transport them on her back.

However, for the joeys, understanding that it is time to walk alone is not always immediate, and so it happens that unfortunate scenes like these occur! Poor mamma opossum! ...
