A stray cat "asks" to come into a woman's home to give birth to her kittens in safety

by Alison Forde

August 21, 2020

A stray cat "asks" to come into a woman's home to give birth to her kittens in safety

Maternal instinct is not a prerogative reserved only for human beings. In fact, animals often manage to express the same tenderness and protection that people have for their children. These two worlds, separated only by the ability to speak, are much closer than you think.

And there are times when nature brings them together, simply as occupants of the same earth. This is the story of different lives, of 2 and 4-legged friends, who help each other.

via Love Meow



Ida Floreak is an American artist originally from Cambridge, in the state of Massachusetts. She has lived in New Orleans, Louisiana for 10 years and has settled in so well that she considers that place her home in all respects. 



Over time she has met many people and now has many friends. One of these is certainly her beloved cat Bruce, a delightful 7-year-old Siamese, with a sometimes slightly grumpy character, but ultimately tender and affectionate when it suits him. One day last October 2019 a new "occupant" arrived.



It wass a stray cat that Ida called Salami. She and Bruce, since the new cat made its appearance in the house, have been together all the time, playing, cuddling and taking long naps next to each other.



Day after day the woman tried to earn the new cat's trust more and more. Her idea was to take her to the vet to have her checked and vaccinated. Before that happened, however, she realized that the cat was pregnant.



A short time later, around 5am one morning, Salami showed up at the front door meowing to attract attention. It was clear that the fateful day had arrived and that, as a good mother, she wanted to give birth to her babies in a place she considered safe and peaceful.



Feeling like family by now, she chose Ida's house and so she asked her for help and hospitality. Ms. Floreak was very nervous, but luckily nature ran its course without problems. 



4 beautiful kittens were born, all now adopted by friends of the woman. Salami has permanently settled with Ida and now lives happily with Bruce. The two felines are - and will be - literally inseparable. Stories like this really have the power to make us reflect on the beauty and importance of some behaviors of the animals that surround us.



Ida and Salami helped each other. In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, that little event gave Ida great comfort. It was a demonstration that even in the most difficult times there is always room for hope, and that life always finds a way. 
