After eating at the 3-year-old daughter's "restaurant", this dad wrote a lovely review

by Alison Forde

June 04, 2020

After eating at the 3-year-old daughter's "restaurant", this dad wrote a lovely review

A dad would do anything for his beloved daughter, even put himself in the shoes of a hungry customer who eagerly awaits his order at the table. How many times will your children or grandchildren have involved you in their imaginative games in which they dream of managing their own kitchen, if not an entire restaurant? Chris Kyle has just been symbolically elected "father of the year" by internet viewers, after publishing a fantastic review of a new "venue" run by his 3-year-old daughter Ava. On the other hand, especially during these dark times, small local entrepreneurs must be supported!

Obviously, everything has been documented in some splendid images which, we are sure, will make you smile.

via Instagram / christophe_kyle

Chris is seated at Ava's "restaurant" table and patiently waits for his daughter to take his order.

Chris is seated at Ava's "restaurant" table and patiently waits for his daughter to take his order.

Instagram / christophe_kyle

Obviously, Ava gave her father the best table! There were even balloons, but when Chris asked Ava what they were doing at his chair, she clearly replied: "Mind your own business, those are Mum's." After having lived through this very particular experience, Chris shared a very professional review "of the place where he had just been to eat" on his Instagram channel. 

Instagram / christophe_kyle

Instagram / christophe_kyle

"So, today we support another African American company, it's called" Ava's Kitchen ", it just opened and I went there for lunch. The place is really clean, but let me tell you something about its owner!" 

Instagram / christophe_kyle

Instagram / christophe_kyle

"I waited about 45 minutes for my order to arrive and I am the only customer here. At the beginning she was making a lot of progress, then she stopped for 20 minutes because she had to watch Paw Patrol on TV. The service, in overall, it could be better, but the cook is very nice, so I'll give her another chance. Let's not give up after only the first mistake! " 

Instagram / christophe_kyle

Instagram / christophe_kyle

Initially Chris was a little skeptical about buying this miniature kitchen, but then, when he saw his happy little girl, he was happy about the expenditure. "It was worth every penny!" he said proudly.

Instagram / christophe_kyle

Instagram / christophe_kyle

Chris is a self-employed entrepreneur and, during this lockdown period, can afford to work from home and spend more time with his daughter Ava, who is always cheerful and smiling.

Instagram / christophe_kyle

Instagram / christophe_kyle

Ava is a girl with a very strong personality and is always cheerful, from the early morning hours. The photos of the little girl with her father are infinitely sweet.

Instagram / christophe_kyle

Instagram / christophe_kyle


Chris says he is happy if his "review" has brought happiness and joy to more than one person, especially because we need to laugh in these days marked by a pandemic.

Chris says he is happy if his "review" has brought happiness and joy to more than one person, especially because we need to laugh in these days marked by a pandemic.

Instagram / christophe_kyle

Instagram / christophe_kyle

Instagram / christophe_kyle
