This bulldog misses playing with kids so much that he spends most of his time watching the neighborhood kids play from his balcony window

by Cylia Queen

June 08, 2020

This bulldog misses playing with kids so much that he spends most of his time watching the neighborhood kids play from his balcony window

Although quarantine and lockdown has had a negative impact on humans, animals have been affected by the restrictions as well. Take this adorable bulldog as an example. Big Poppa loves going outside and playing with the neighborhood kids. His life and daily routine, however, were turned upside down once the Coronavirus outbreak hit, which left him confined to the comforts of his home. Now, he only gets to watch his human friends play from his balcony. 

via Atlanteats

Rae Ellis/Twitter

Rae Ellis/Twitter

Big Poppa couldn't wait for his owner, Rae Ellis, to take him on their daily walks. Each day, they'd leave Rae's apartment and Big Poppa would race down to the courtyard and meet up with the neighborhood kids. He'd play with them until his little heart was content. Sometimes the kids would even wait all afternoon for Big Poppa to come outside just so they could play with him. 

Once the restrictions set in, things changed for Rae and Big Poppa. Rae and the other kids were no longer able to go outside when they wanted, which meant Big Poppa was left with no one to play with... 

Rae Ellis/Twitter

Rae Ellis/Twitter

Big Poppa had a rough time adjusting to lockown and Rae couldn't help but notice that he wasn't the same without his neighborhood friends. That's when Rae decided to post pictures of Big Poppa on her twitter account to show how much of an impact quarantine had on her dog's happiness. 

As much as it pained her to see her dog upset, she had to remind him that he wasn't alone. After all, she was there to keep him company. She realized, however, she couldn't be a replacement for Big Poppa's friends. 

Rae Ellis/Twitter

Rae Ellis/Twitter

It also didn't take long for the kids to notice how sad Big Poppa was. That's why now, when they see him sitting in the balcony, they yell out his name and say "Hi, Big Poppa!". Each time the kids call out his name, Big Poppa seems to perk up a little bit more. 

As we know, restrictions are becoming more lenient everyday. It won't be too much longer before Big Poppa will be out in the courtyard again, playing with all the neighborhood kids. Hang in there, Big Poppa! You don't have much longer to wait!
