This female Husky puppy was taken to an animal refuge center to find a friend and she chose a female kitten

by Shirley Marie Bradby

January 19, 2020

This female Husky puppy was taken to an animal refuge center to find a friend and she chose a female kitten

Little Raven is a female Tamaskan Husky puppy that needed a friend to grow up with.

But her human "mom", Christina, knew that she could not find or choose one independently without first consulting young Raven!

So, she took Raven directly to an animal refuge center in Lubbock, Texas, to give Raven the possibility to choose for herself (or at least to follow her own instincts).

"I have always wanted a dog and a cat to grow up together. It was like a life goal had been achieved," said Christina. And so it was: Raven chose a soft little ball of fur female kitten named Woodhouse as her friend!

The young puppy and little kitten proved to be perfect for each other!

And even today, after they have both grown up, despite not cuddling together as much as they used to when they were younger, they are still very close and always play together.

via Instagram / raven_and_woodhouse

The Husky puppy dog Raven was taken to an animal refuge center to choose her future friend!

The Husky puppy dog Raven was taken to an animal refuge center to choose her future friend!

Instagram / raven_and_woodhouse

At the time, four kittens were introduced to Raven, but three of them did not show much interest in her, but one little furball female kitten named Woodhouse did—she was the one!

Consequently, that was the day when the kitten not only got a welcoming and loving home but also a best friend. A year has passed since then and the two animals are still inseparable!


The little female kitten named Woodhouse was the only one to show any interest in the sweet female Husky puppy.

The little female kitten named Woodhouse was the only one to show any interest in the sweet female Husky puppy.

Instagram / raven_and_woodhouse

Instagram / raven_and_woodhouse

Instagram / raven_and_woodhouse

Instagram / raven_and_woodhouse

Instagram / raven_and_woodhouse

Aren't they adorable?

Aren't they adorable?

Instagram / raven_and_woodhouse


They always groom each other ...

They always groom each other ...

Instagram / raven_and_woodhouse

... and sometimes they still sleep together!

... and sometimes they still sleep together!

Instagram / raven_and_woodhouse


They are the perfect friend for each other!

They are the perfect friend for each other!

Instagram / raven_and_woodhouse

Instagram / raven_and_woodhouse

Instagram / raven_and_woodhouse

Instagram / raven_and_woodhouse

Instagram / raven_and_woodhouse
