For an entire month, this young man proposed to his girlfriend without her even noticing

by Shirley Marie Bradby

October 13, 2019

For an entire month, this young man proposed to his girlfriend without her even noticing

A marriage proposal, for many people, is a solemn and fundamental moment that marks the beginning of a whole new phase in a love relationship and in which a couple advances to a higher level.

In the common imagination, we think of a marriage proposal as the classic situation in which the man kneels before his beloved with the precious engagement ring in his hand, perhaps in a particularly romantic setting.

The English young man that we are going to talk to you about, however, decided that, for his own marriage proposal that he would not enact another one of these "boring" or "classic" situations.

On the contrary, he thought of a much more original and humorous scheme - let's check it out!

via Daily Mail

Edi Okoro/Facebook

Edi Okoro/Facebook

When Edi Okoro, a 30-year-old man from Hertfordshire, decided it was time to ask his 28-year-old girlfriend Cally to marry him, he started with the simplest step, namely, buying a diamond engagement ring.

What Edi did next, however, was not at all similar to the marriage proposals that many men in the world make to their future brides.

So, for Edi, no romantic candlelight dinner and no particularly suggestive place to get on his knees and surprise Cally. No, what Edi did was to begin, in a nice way, to take "secret" photos of himself while he displayed the engagement ring, in the presence of his oblivious girlfriend.


A challenge plus my “brave levels” maxing out, resulted in her holding the ring for a photo 😂

Pubblicato da Edi Okoro su Lunedì 26 agosto 2019

What was the purpose of all this? To engage in a sort of challenge to see if Cally would eventually notice what he was doing!

And the answer is "No!" because the 28-year-old woman, during an entire month of "sneaky photos" taken by her boyfriend - she never even realized what was happening!

That's right! Edi's unique and ironic photo shoot went on for all that time, during which the young man always carried the precious engagement ring with him wherever he went with Cally.

Edi Okoro/Facebook

Edi Okoro/Facebook

And the result of this practical joke was hilarious, given that the young future bridegroom even went so far as to place the engagement ring in the girl's hand while she was sleeping!

All the photos and the most daring moments in which Edi secretly but openly displayed the engagement ring have all been carefully documented, and subsequently, posted online and quickly shared around the world!

Edi Okoro/Facebook

Edi Okoro/Facebook

Naturally, in the end, there was actually a "real" proposal, and Cally accepted. Nobody, however, knows how it really happened - Edi has decided to keep it secret!

One thing is for certain, the way this young man chose to dramatize putting an engagement ring on his girlfriend's finger absolutely deserves a prize for extravagance and witty humor!

They helped build the perfect engagement ring and then helped me keep it all a secret! Amazing customer service and product 😊

Pubblicato da Edi Okoro su Mercoledì 28 agosto 2019