Woman returns from a trip and rushes over to hug her son: she hugs a complete stranger

by Mark Bennett

February 19, 2023

Woman returns from a trip and rushes over to hug her son: she hugs a complete stranger

When you go on a trip and leave your loved ones for a while, it may happen that you eventually feel the need to go home to hug your loved ones again. Sometimes, you have to wait a long time before this happens, which is why, when the happy event approaches, one's elevated emotions can lead one to make mistakes.

The mother who is the subject of this story knows something about this and her mistake amused the entire web, making her a real star. Let's find out what happened:

via @domingomendozaa/Tik Tok

@domingomendozaa/Tik Tok

@domingomendozaa/Tik Tok

In a hilarious video posted on TikTok, user Domingo Mendoza showed the moment in which, while waiting to greet his mother at the airport (after she had been after 4 years), he met a complete stranger under hilarious conditions.

You surely know what it's like to wait for a loved one to arrive at an airport, right? We assume so, and it is a moment of tension, high emotion and joy - especially when the person steps through the security doors. This was how Domingo was feeling while waiting for his mother to emerge.

In a short clip, a lady is seen coming through the doors and approaching Domingo with open arms. She rushes towards Domingo, who, not knowing who this woman was, tries to avoid her. But the stranger literally chases Domingo and he can't escape her embrace.

@domingomendozaa/Tik Tok

@domingomendozaa/Tik Tok

Not knowing what to do, Domingo returns the woman's embrace - before pointing out to her that he is not her son and that she has made a mistake. Only at this point - several seconds later - does the lady realize that she has made a mistake. This hilarious incident amused everyone who viewed it.

And who wouldn't have a laugh at such an incident? Many users viewed the clip and left comments like: "I too would have pretended to make a mistake to give such a handsome man a hug," one woman wrote.

In short, whether Domingo wanted thehug or not, it did provide everyone with a good laugh. Have you ever found yourself in a situation like this?
