Mosquito alarm! Here's a simple and totally natural remedy to keep them away!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

August 07, 2018

Mosquito alarm! Here's a simple and totally natural remedy to keep them away!

Summer's here! The beach, lake, swimming pool, picnics, and everyone can have the vacation they want. Unfortunatelythere is a small inconvenience that each year wants to spoil our well-earned relaxation outdoors in the open air: mosquitoes.

Even just one of these pesky insects is capable of ruining a perfect evening. Although at the supermarketthere are so many products to combat them, they are extremely aggressive and full of chemicals.

What if we told you that there is a completely natural remedy that does not involve applying lotions or creams, or spraying the environment with insecticide?

A little CLAIREification

A little CLAIREification

Here's everything you'll need: 

  • 5/6 slices of lemon
  • 5/6 slices lime 
  • a sprig of Rosemary 
  • a glass jar 
  • eucalyptus essential oil (7/10 drops) 
  • a floating candle

Simplemost/You Tube

Simplemost/You Tube

Fill three-thirds of the glass jar with water, then add a few drops of essential oil. Cut the slices of lemon and lime and together with the sprig of rosemary insert them into the glass jar. Now finish filling the glass jar with water and then place the floating candle on top.  

The blend of fragrances is very pleasant to humans but terrible for mosquitoes. What can you say?! Two birds with one stone! 

Below you can follow the instructions with a video.
